June 2018 Newsletter

June 2018 Newsletter


Be on the lookout for our 60+ Ride marketing campaign’s launch late this month! The name of our nonprofit is still Senior Resource Services,
but we have renamed our transportation program 60+ Ride and will be using that name for promoting to both clients and volunteers.

Thanks to generous marketing grants from Daniels Fund and next50, you’ll soon see the 60+ Ride name and logo on billboards, GreeleEvans Transit busses, car door magnets, rack cards, and in newspapers. Listen for it on local radio stations, too.

The campaign’s purpose is to recruit volunteer drivers as part of our effort to better meet demand for our services. This will be accomplished by serving half again as many clients over the next year as we have in the last, and we’ll need to continue to grow from there to keep up with an additional 68% growth in the 60+ demographic expected by 2030.

Our staff, systems, and processes are in place and ready, waiting for the addition of 60 active volunteers who are as caring and dedicated as the 122 who are already driving for us. The simple truth is that we offer the most flexible, rewarding volunteer opportunity available, and if we have volunteers in any corner of Weld County we’re able to serve the aging population there.

What a luxury it would be to need to recruit clients, using our marketing dollars to let them know we are here and able to help them maintain their independence for as long as their health allows.

Thank you for the position you play on our team, whether it’s as a volunteer, donor, sponsor, supporter, or trusted advisor. We need each position to win for our aging population. Let’s do this!

Read Full Newsletter Here.

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